Receive $25 gift card when you purchase an eligible product from Bostrom Seating between 8/1/16 and 9/30/16. Your request must be postmarked by 10/15/16. To receive your prepaid card by mail please follow the instructions below.
Eligible Product ($25 prepaid card):
Rebate issued via prepaid card. Offer limited to US residents only, 18 years of age, or age of majority, or older. Limit one refund per name, household, or address. Use of multiple addresses or P.O. boxes to obtain additional funds is fraud and may result in prosecution. Prepaid card accepted where Visa cards are accepted. Not redeemable as cash or usable at ATMs or gas pumps. Card expires 6 months from issuance. Terms of prepaid card apply. Multiple submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. Rebate applies to price paid after any coupon or discount has been applied. This form must accompany your request. If a valid, original, dated receipt is not included in the request for rebate, your prepaid card will not be issued. Reproduction, alteration, sale, trade, or purchase of this official form or proof of purchase is prohibited. Proof of purchase must be obtained from product purchased by you. No requests from groups, clubs or organizations will be honored. We will not honor incomplete submissions. Not responsible for lost, late, or undelivered submissions. Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery. Offer good only on purchases made between 8/1/16 and 9/30/16. Request for rebate must be postmarked no later than 10/15/16.
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